Tag: berkley Scotch Ale

Episode 92 – Grandma’s Closet

Episode 92 – Grandma’s Closet

Join John and Wes as the knock on Heaven’s Door (Straight Bourbon Whiskey) only to find it leads to grandma’s closet. Seriously.

At least the Berkley Beer Company Scotch Ale was good!

We also talk about made up holidays, keeping socially fit and how to extract winkles. Cheers!

Beer – Berkley Beer Company Scotch Ale

Bourbon – Heavens Door Straight Bourbon Whiskey

₿oostagrams and Thanks

Episode 88 – @thekeeper 50,000 sats – “Craig is a fan favorite of Vineyard Nation! V4V all the way!”
Episode 89 – @meremortalspodcast 22,222 sats- “Love how you set your goals, always is fascinating to see how other people go about them. Wishing you great success! Would love to hear an episode on your philosophy for raising kids.”

Comments from Instagram – FM Rodeo said thank you and that they are glad someone likes their music and if we are interested, we can have them on as an interview.

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Music to ₿oost!

Higher – Featuring Sir Brian with an I