Month: May 2024

Episode 101 – Write Away

Episode 101 – Write Away

Step into the captivating world of Episode 101, where John and Wes beckon you into a realm filled with intrigue and delight. Prepare for a journey through the unknown as we unravel mysteries, sip on beer with aspirations of becoming seltzer, and explore the eccentricity of peculiar words. Brace yourself for a dose of laughter as we delve into the realm of funny diseases and indulge in the allure of cheap bourbon. But fear not, for amidst the adventure, we also equip you with invaluable life skills to navigate the twists and turns of existence. Raise your glass and join us in raising the bar of entertainment and enlightenment. Here’s to a podcast experience like no other. Cheers!

The Beer: Hi- Wire Brewing Mountain Splash

The Bourbon: Trader Joe’s Kentucky Straight Bourbon

The Balderdash: Journaling

Music: The Protagonist by Death By Lions

Remember we are a Value 4 Value podcast and we would like you to consider sending any value to our friend Karin who is battling cancer and needs your financial help. She’s a wonderful woman and it would encourage her so much to know people want to help and send her encouraging words. Thank you!

Karin’s Go Fund Me – send her a message of encouragement too!

Episode 100 – You’re Welcome

Episode 100 – You’re Welcome

We finally made it Balderdashers! Episode 100!

After a bit of vacation fun, John and I are back with Episode 100 and boy do we have a great show for you! It’s going to be full of love, laughs beer and bourbon! You’re Welcome!

The Beer  – Proclamation Beer Company – Baltallica

The Bourbon – Old Grand-Dad Bonded

The Balderdash – Cold calling our producers and thanking them!

Most importantly THANK YOU to all our producers and supporters of Beer, Bourbon and Balderdash! John and I love doing this but it makes it so much more awesome knowing that others enjoy it too!

Please give it a listen on when it comes out on Monday. Cheers!

Remember we are a Value 4 Value podcast and we would like you to consider sending any value to our friend Karin who is battling cancer and needs your financial help. She’s a wonderful woman and it would encourage her so much to know people want to help and send her encouraging words. Thank you!

Karin’s Go Fund Me – send her a message of encouragement too!